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only a guide --- only a guide.
ish.--- approximately, sort of, _____ I think!.

Folk club ---
more formal, sit and listen (or else), entrance fee, paid performers, OR the organiser want it to be called a "folk club"!
sess ---
is / has been reported as / is mostly / or otherwise - a jam session. ie mostly music, anyone who can find a seat and doesn't play too loudly can play all night.
beg sess ---
beginners session, where some of us started.
w/s ---
workshop, beginners and experienced swap ideas. Learning as well as playing.
dance ---
dancing is part of it, or the only part of it sometimes.
acc sess, acoustic ---
not purely folk, may include storytelling, pop & poetry. May also be slightly amplified!
SAR ---
is a singaround or come-all-ye. ie one person (or collective) is invited to contribute a spot usually in some sort of rotation around the room with a leader organising it.
spots ---
organisers allow individuals 3 - 9 minutes in the spotlight (on stage), usually in the first half.
open stage ---
spots (in an American accent).
open mic.---
amplified spots (in a Yankee accent).
bar music ---
paid performers, usually there are no spots or open mic or that kind of thing but you can try!

w/e ---
week end, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.  OR a small festival.
fest ---
day ---
all day event.
alt ---
every other week, or some unreported formula of monthly nature which people thought was alternate.
with other --- look for a nearby same night alt venue and they will probably be co-operating with each other.
occasional - erratic or unspecified frequency - definitely not predictable by my informants.
2/4 ---
2nd and 4th week of the month (etc)

fantastic! ---
I thought so
farmhouse cider ---
Irish, English, French,  Storytelling, blues, not a sess! ---
the dominant style of the leading players, often the only preference!
b/grass ---
cajun / zydeco.---
"creole" music from Louisiana.  Americano-French or Franco-American perhaps!
trad ---
this actually means "sounds traditional" and implies "do not even think about an electric instrument", in fact unless the event is specifically amplified, electrics are a pain to everyone and that goes for most of my lists!
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